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My name is Faiez. I am a programmer. I put here my thoughts on software and I would like to hear your stories with what I write about. Click on that "Say Hi" button above to send me an email and write what's on your mind.
I like backpacking. Checkout my journey and let me know if I missed a corner here or there, or if there are places I should visit next.
Code entropy in action, Needleant alpha release
How Racket expands macros
Vite dev mode overview
Rollup main components
Level up your property based testing library
How to write a property based testing library: Erlang vs Haskell
How Monaco handles file content: rendering a line of code
How Monaco handles file content: Buffer updates
How Monaco handles file content: Initialization
Look for the constraints
Why do we build software
The art behind RR recording
Software design lessons from "How Buildings Learn"
RESSA, Rusty EcmaScript Syntax Analyzer, overview
What you want to consider before using strings
Advantages of S-expressions over JSON
Subtilties to keep in mind when exploring Erlang
Acorn internals, main concepts
UglifyJS internals, Compressor overview
UglifyJS internals, overview
Don't let structure drive refactoring
Improving the accessibilty of my website
Building models to change code safely
Understanding a function through its name
Taking declarative programming to the next level
Making decisions that fit as a team: Discoverability
Making decisions that fit as a team
Virtual DOM internals, the patch module
Virtual DOM internals, the diff module
Paying technical debt on need
The thing about TDD
On typing
Primitive Obsession
Emergent requirements
UNIX philosophy: Every program is a filter
Naming construction methods
Refactoring the small blocks early
UNIX, Small is beautiful
UNIX, design for the future
UNIX portability
UNIX, introduction
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