UglifyJS internals, overview

UglifyJS is Javascript source code optimizer. It compresses Javascript files so that code travels faster across the network.


Given a Javascript file, UglifyJS parses the content and builds an Abstract syntax tree (AST). Each node of the AST holds the definition and the context of a token in the program. The definition contains the type (function, variable, constant, object, …), the required attributes for the type (the name of a variable or a function, the arguments of a function definition, …), and the children. The context describes the usage of the token in the program.

A variable definition node has a list of nodes that read and modify that variable. This is part of the node context. UglifyJS may remove the definition while compressing if the list is empty. Similarly, when the children of a statement node are pure variable declarations and its parent is a function definition, the compressor can safely delete it. These operations are hard to perform when the code is represented as a string.

Types are defined in lib/ast.js. UglifyJS defines a class for each type. AST_SymbolDefun represents a function definition. AST_String is a string literal. All class names start with AST_.

Types are organized into a hierarchy. AST_Number and AST_String are AST_Constant, AST_False and AST_True are AST_Boolean. AST_Null is an AST_Atom. AST_Atom itself is an AST_Constant, and so on. AST_Node is the root of this hierarchy. All nodes inherit it directly or indirectly.

These types are extensible. They are defined with initial properties and methods in lib/ast. Then, other modules decorate them with new methods. AST_Node is defined with start, end (both represent the boundaries of the node in the source code), walk(), and clone(). Then, the compressor attaches the method optimize and other helpers to it.

To create a node, you need to instantiate its class with the required parameters. A string literal has also two properties; a value; the string itself, and a quote (" or '); the quotation used in the input.

So to represent the string

"Hello Uglify!"

you need

new AST_String({
  value : 'Hello Uglify!',
  quote : '"',
  start: new AST_Token({...}),
  end: new AST_Token({...})

An object requires a list of properties. To represent the object

{a: 2}

you need

new AST_Object({
  properties: [
    new AST_ObjectKeyVal({ 
      key: 'a',
      value: new AST_Number({ value: 2 }),
      quote: null 
  start: new AST_Token({...}),
  end: new AST_Token({...})

To distinguish between types. UglifyJS uses instanceof. The the following pattern exists everywhere:

function transformNode(node) {
  if (node instanceof AST_Defun)
  if (node instanceof AST_String)
  if (node instanceof AST_Number)


Parallel to the AST, there is a tree of lexical scopes. When an AST node introduces a lexical scope, it inherits AST_Scope. You filter out the nodes that do not inherit AST_Scope in an AST, and you get the scopes tree. Two types inherit AST_Scope; AST_Toplevel and AST_Lambda.

AST_Toplevel is the root node of every AST and AST_Lambda is a function definition. The latter is inherited by AST_Accessor (a getter/setter function), AST_Function (a function expression), and AST_Defun (a function definition). A Function definition is a statement and a function expression is an expression. The compressor optimizes them differently and the parser requires a name for the function statement but not for the expression. It is more convenient to separate them.

The documentation defines the properties AST_Scope as:

variables: "[Object/S] a map of name -> SymbolDef for all variables/functions defined in this scope",
functions: "[Object/S] like `variables`, but only lists function declarations",
uses_with: "[boolean/S] tells whether this scope uses the `with` statement",
uses_eval: "[boolean/S] tells whether this scope contains a direct call to the global `eval`",
parent_scope: "[AST_Scope?/S] link to the parent scope",
enclosed: "[SymbolDef*/S] a list of all symbol definitions that are accessed from this scope or any subscopes",
cname: "[integer/S] current index for mangling variables (used internally by the mangler)",

AST_Toplevel also defines globals (a list for undeclared names). AST_Lambda defines the name of the function, a list of its arguments, and uses_arguments (a boolean that is true when the function accesses the arguments array).

Other than those nodes, only AST_Symbol knows about AST_Scope because it holds a reference to its scope. An AST_Symbol is either an accessor, a declaration of a variable, a function name, a function argument, a definition of the error in a catch block, a reference to a symbol/label, the keyword this, or a loop label.

UglifyJS defines AST_Scope operations in lib/scope.js. These operations enrich the description of existing scopes by defining new variables or by exploring the surrounding and adding information to the context.


A TreeWalker is a visitor that, given a node, visits its children recursively and calls a callback function (called visit) passing the visited child.

To visit a node and its sub-tree you call _visit:

treeWalker = new TreeWalker(visit)

This is equivalent to calling walk or _walk on targetNode

treeWalker = new TreeWalker(visit)

A tree walker is usually passed into AST_Node.walk to extract information from the node sub-tree.

Here, a visit function collects all string literals into an array called allStrings.

function visit(node) {
  if (node instanceof AST_String) {

UglifyJS uses a tree walker to collect all the names of properties.

topLevel = new AST_Toplevel({...})
topLevel.walk(new TreeWalker(function(node) {
    if (node instanceof AST_ObjectKeyVal) {
    } else if (node instanceof AST_ObjectProperty) {
    } else if (node instanceof AST_Dot) {
    } else if (node instanceof AST_Sub) {
        addStrings(, add)
    } else if (node instanceof AST_Call
        && node.expression.print_to_string() == "Object.defineProperty") {
        addStrings(node.args[1], add)

Under the hood, AST_Node.walk calls TreeWalker._visit(this, descend), or TreeWalker._visit(this) if the node cannot have children. descend calls _walk on each child.

For node types that cannot have children, walk is defined as

_walk: function(visitor) {
        return visitor._visit(this)

For node types who may have children, the node passes in a descend function. For AST_Binary, a binary expression like a + b, which have two children left and right. It is defined as

_walk: function(visitor) {
        return visitor._visit(this, function() {

There are two strategies to navigate a node sub-tree. Either the visitor takes control of descending or it is visit function. In both cases, it is visit that decides whether or not to visit the children of the current node by returning a boolean result. So, you can navigate the sub-tree with a mixed strategy too.

visit takes the current node and its descend function and returns a truthy value when we don’t want the visitor to go down the children of the current node, or falsy value if we do. If we return a truthy value, visit takes care of calling descend if needed.


A TreeTransformer is a TreeWalker that modifies the sub-tree. It is usually passed to AST_Node.transform to modify the children of the node.

To descend is to transform children. AS in _walk, transform is a noop for nodes that cannot have children, and it sets each child to the result of calling transform on it otherwise.

TreeTransformer has before and after functions. before plays the role of _visit in a tree walker. It receives a descend function and returns a truthy value we don’t want the tree transformer to descend (and thus to transform) to children and undefined when we do.

So for AST_Binary, transform changes left and right to the result of transform.

AST_Binary.DEFMETHOD("transform", function(tw, in_list) {
  var x, y
  // ...
  if (tw.before) x = tw.before(this, descend, in_list)
  if (typeof x === "undefined") {
    x = this

    this.left = this.left.transform(tw)
    this.right = this.right.transform(tw)

    if (tw.after) {
      y = tw.after(this, in_list)
      if (typeof y !== "undefined") x = y
  // ...
  return x

As in the example above, transform returns the value of the transformed node. The returned value is either the result of before, the node itself, or the result of after. This is not the case with a tree walker, which does not care about the result of descending.


Tokenizer splits the input into a list of tokens.

It creates a function next_token which reads the input character per character and returns the next token each time you call it. A token is an instance of AST_Token.

For example, if we apply Tokenizer like this

const next_token = tokenizer('var a = 2;')

We get the tokens one by one as we call next_token

// Call 1
AST_Token { type: 'keyword',  value: 'var',  line: 1,  col: 0,  pos: 0 }

// Call 2
AST_Token { type: 'name',  value: 'a',  line: 1,  col: 4,  pos: 4 }

// Call 3
AST_Token { type: 'operator',  value: '=',  line: 1,  col: 6,  pos: 6 }

// Call 4
AST_Token { type: 'num',  value: 2,  line: 1,  col: 8,  pos: 8 }

// Call 5
AST_Token { type: 'punc',  value: ';',  line: 1,  col: 9,  pos: 9 }

Then, we get an end-of-file token each time call next_token

AST_Token { type: 'eof',  value: undefined,  line: 1,  col: 10,  pos: 10 }

I removed non-relevant properties of AST_Token for brievity.

The types of tokens returned from next_token are:

  • regexp for a regex, the value is an instance of RegExp
  • string for a string, the value is the string itself.
  • punc for a punctuation mark, the value is the mark; ., or ,, …
  • comment for comments. There are 5 types of comments, each has an index. The token type of each is “comment” followed by the type index. comment1 for single-line comments, comment2 for multi-line comments, and so on. The types of comments are: // single line, /* multiline, <!-- HTML5 opening, --> HTML5 closing, and #! shebang
  • num for a numeric value, the value is the number
  • atom for the values false, true, and null
  • operator for operators like =, +, …, the value is the operator. Operators can be words (in, instanceof, typeof, new, void, delete).
  • keyword when the word is a keyword but not an operator, like return, instanceof, break, … Note that operators that are words (like …) are keywords, but not all keywords are operators.
  • name for an identifier, when a word is either a name of an object property, or is neither an atom nor a keyword.


Parser transforms source code into an AST. It uses Tokenizer to read the input token by token. And for each token, it creates a node as an instance of the specific AST type.

For example, when the token is string literal, Parser creates an AST_String:

const token = next_token()

if (token.type === "string") {
  new AST_String({
      start : token,
      end   : token,
      value : token.value,
      quote : token.quote


minify is the core of UglifyJS. It takes an input a optimizes it. It uses all the other components, the parser, the compressor, the mangler, and the source map generator.

minify takes the input and a set of options. The input can be either an instance of AST_Toplevel, a file path, or a list of paths of different files. Options define which operations to execute and which to ignore.

minify returns a structure that contains the AST of the input, a string of the minified source code, a source-map, an array of warnings, and profiling information about the duration of the performed operations.

The main operations:

  • create AST from the input
  • compress the AST
  • mangle identifiers
  • mangle object properties
  • create an OutputStream and generate the output string


OutputStream is a factory for UglifyJS output code. It builds a string named OUTPUT, which you get by calling outputStream.get() or outputStream.toString.

OUTPUT is the output of applying to UglifyJS to an input source code. OutputStream provides multiple methods to build OUTPUT, like outputStream.comma() to add a comma, outputStream.colon() to add a colon, outputStream.with_indent(fn) to add an indentation before each following line, and many others.

As it builds OUTPUT, OutputStream keeps a state and updates it each time we add something. This state maintains where and how to write the next characters in the output, the indentation level, source-map information, and a filter of which comments to discard.

Not all provided methods change OUTPUT directly. Only insert_newlines, print, and newline do. Others rely on these to build OUTPUT and to update the state. So, space calls print(' '), comma calls print(','), and so on.


SourceMap is a wrapper around fitzgen’s source-map library. It generates a source-map for UglifyJS output. With this map, we restore the original source code from the output.

It is, first, built by OutputStream. Then, minify either adds it to the output if it needs to be inlined, or adds a reference to it in the output if the source-map needs to be in a separate file. The location of the source-map depends on the options of the minification.


This is a complicated component and I will dedicate a separate post for it alone.

The compressor is a tree transformer which reduces the code size by applying various optimizations on the AST:

  • join consecutive var/const statements.
  • join consecutive simple statements into sequences using the “comma operator”.
  • discard unused variables/functions.
  • optimize if-s and conditional expressions.
  • evaluate constant expressions.
  • drop unreachable code.
  • … and quite a few others.

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