How to write a property based testing library: Erlang vs Haskell

Property-based testing is a test automation approach that checks invariants instead of concrete examples. When a test subject (a component or a function) has a huge input space (it takes strings, real numbers, combinations of parameters, …), making sure the code returns a valid result no matter which composition of inputs we pass requires many example-based tests. Testing every combination of parameters, or every conceivable string, will take forever. The drawback of writing and maintaining these tests outweighs the benefit of having them in the first place.

Writing property-based tests increases our confidence in the code without a significant cost. Testing a sort function is a classic use case for this approach. A propert compares the sum of the result array elements to the sum of the initial array elements.

The testing library builds different shapes of arrays: empty arrays, arrays with one element, arrays with big numbers of elements, with duplicated elements, with negative numbers, … It checks the property with generated values. If a check fails, the library tries to squeeze the failing sample, to “shrink” it if we are to use the right term. It returns the simplest possible counterexample.

It’s interesting to see how different languages implement such a library. Both Haskell and Erlang are functional programming languages. They embrace ideas like purity and immutability. But they approach the model differently. Haskell is typed. Erlang is not. Haskell has native support for category theory constructs. Erlang is message-based. Haskell embraces lazy evaluation. Erlang provides primitive constructs for concurrent execution and a fault-tolerant platform. And so goes the contrast.


Quickchek is a Haskell property-based testing library.

Let’s say, we want to test a function reverse that reverses an array of integers. We can define the property prop_reverse below. It takes an array, reverses it twice, and makes sure it stays the same.

prop_reverse inputArray = (reverse (reverse inputArray)) == inputArray

A property is a function that returns a boolean value or a result structure. Returning a structure provides more context to the code that checks the outcome.

We call quickCheck to run the test:

>>> quickCheck (withMaxSuccess 10000 prop_reverse)
+++ OK, passed 10000 tests.

quickCheck() needs a property and a set of testing parameters to start its engine. Internally, it passes the property to a loop. In each iteration, the library generates an input candidate, uses it to check the property, then decides whether:

  • to stop the testing and fail
  • to stop the testing and succeed
  • to continue testing (to run another iteration: to generate another input, and to check it)

This engine is managed by a function named test:

test :: State -> Property -> IO Result

It takes a state State and a property Property, it tests the property. It creates a new state. Then, it calls itself recursively until the testing stops.


Each iteration of the engine returns a Result. The value returned by the last iteration is the one returned by the engine at the end of testing.

data Result
  = Success { ... }
  | GaveUp { ... }
  | Failure
    { ...
    , reason          :: String
    , failingTestCase :: [String]
  | NoExpectedFailure { ...  }

The result is:

  • Success after a successful iteration.
  • GaveUp after reaching a threshold of discarded tests. A test is discarded when an error occurs, like a failure to generate an input or an exception during the execution of the property.
  • Failure after a failed iteration. Two important attributes inside this variant are the failure reason and the simplest counterexamples.
  • NoExpectedFailure when the property should have failed, but did not.

An example of a property that should fail is:

our_prop n = expectFailure (n === n + 1)

Here we’re comparing an integer n to n + 1 and we’re encapsulating the result with expectFailure inside a result structure.


Haskell functions are pure. Each iteration builds a state and passes it to the next iteration. A state is a data structure that reifies the progress.

It contains the number of tests done, the number of successful tests, the number of required iterations, a reference to a terminal to notify the users about the testing progress, …

If you want to write your own library, put here the global values you need, and update them after each iteration.

Property and Testable

Properties can be built from functions or from propositions. prop_reverse, the example at the beginning, is a function.

cyclicList_prop here is a proposition:

cyclicList_prop = forAll cyclicList $ \(xs) -> and $ zipWith (==) xs (drop 2 xs)

cyclicList_prop checks whether a generator, cyclicList, produces arrays with period 2. A produced array should repeat two integers n times.

Property type is defined as:

newtype Property = MkProperty { unProperty :: Gen Prop }

We can think of a Property as a bridge between a Testable instance and a property generator Gen Prop.

Testable is a class of values that QuickCheck knows how to transform into a Property or a Result. Both functions and propositions are Testable instances.

A property generator is a moderator of an iteration. It references an array generator in the cyclicList_prop example (or an input generator in general) and the checking function. It generates a value, checks it on the property, and creates a Result.

The heartbeat of the engine

The key to understanding how QuickCheck works is to understand how it builds a Property value from a given function or proposition.

Once we have a Property, QuickCheck evaluates this expression and gets a Result:

(unProp (unGen (unProperty our_property) rnd1 size))

This expression is a mere unfolding of folded values. It returns to a Rose Result value, which encapsulates a result. First, we call unProperty on a Property instance, named our_property here. We unfold the result with unGen, get a Prop value, unfold this too with unProp, and get a Rose Result.

Folding is unfolding. So let’s see how our_property is created.


As shown in the definition of Property, we can create a property if we have a Gen Prop value, a property generator.

our_property = MkProperty our_gen_prop_value

or to take the code from QuickCheck itself:

MkProperty $
  gen >>= \x ->
    unProperty $
    shrinking shrinker x pf

Gen is defined as:

newtype Gen a = MkGen{
  unGen :: QCGen -> Int -> a -- ^ Run the generator on a particular seed.

This is the definition of a generator is QuickCheck. If a is Prop, we have a property generator. If a is Int, we have an integer generator. If a is a custom type User, we have a user generator.

We create a generator by providing an unGen function,

our_generator = MkGen our_unGen_function

unGen takes a random number generator QCGen and a size integer. Both are defined in the state passed between the iterations. The size value tells generators how complicated the instances should be: how deep the tree goes, how long the array stretches, and inside which interval a randomly generated number can be. It’s default value is 30, and it’s set inside the options we pass to quickCheck.

The library defines generators for basic types like Int, Boolean, Char, … It can also build generators for the types that can be constructed (array, sum, and product types). If we want a custom generator, we can define one.


We create a generator by calling arbitrary.

QuickCheck defines a class Arbitrary with two functions:

  • arbitrary :: Gen a to generate input values
  • shrink :: a -> [a] to shrink a value

It implements this class for common types.

For example, we can have an implementation for integers:

 instance Arbitrary Int where
  arbitrary =  MkGen (\randomGen size -> randomR (-size, size) randomGen)
  shrink    = \x -> [(abs x) - 1]

For composite and custom-defined types, we can define our generators and our shrinking in the same way.

The documentation says:

-- There is no generic @arbitrary@ implementation included because we don't
-- know how to make a high-quality one. If you want one, consider using the
-- < testing-feat> or
-- < generic-random> packages.
-- The < QuickCheck manual>
-- goes into detail on how to write good generators. Make sure to look at it,
-- especially if your type is recursive!

Property generators

QuickCheck creates a property generator Gen Prop if we give it an input generator. In prop_reverse, QuickCheck has an Int generator and an array generator. In cyclicList_prop, we define an input generator cyclicList ourselves.

Let’s say gen is our Gen [Int] generator. f is a property, a function whose signature is [Int] -> Bool.

We create a property generator from an input generator as:

gen >>= \x -> unProperty $ shrinking shrinker x f

This defines a property generator whose unGen function uses gen to generate x. Then, it calls shrinking and passes it to unProperty.

As specified in the definition of Property, unProperty returns Gen Prop.

x is the generated input that we use to check the property. But, we’re not calling f x directly. We’re starting a shrinking process instead.

shriking calls f x internally. If the result is True, it returns it. If the result is false, it starts a shrinking process to simplify x.

To be more specific, shriking returns a Property value. That is, it returns a value that encapsulates a property generator Gen Prop. We extract this last by calling unProperty.

In other words, the property generator is created by shrinking.


shrikning function gets a shrinker from the Arbitrary class, the shrinker of the input type.

shrinking builds a rose tree. The root node contains the result of applying f to x, the originally generated value. The children contain the results of applying f to shrunk values of x. The grandchildren are the results of applying f to the shrunk values of the shrunk values of the original value. And, so it goes. The building stops when a shanked element passes the property. That is when f shrunk_value returns either True or a successful result.

If the result of the property is a boolean value, QuickCheck transforms it into a Result value, either MkResult{ok = Just True} or MkResult{ok = Just False}.

And as Result is a Testable instance, we get a tree of Testable instances.

The library knows how to transform a Testable instance into a Property. So it transforms the tree. Node by node, each value becomes a Property. But, these “properties” are different. They’re not created with the expression we use to create the main Property. They’re shadow properties, null properties.

Calling unProperty on one of them returns a null generator, a generator whose unGen is a constant function. No matter which inputs (random number generator and size) we pass in, it always returns the same Prop value.

Prop is defined as:

newtype Prop = MkProp{ unProp :: Rose Result }

It encapsulates a Rose Result value. Our null property encapsulates a single-node rose tree that contains the Result value of that node. Calling unProp on such Prop always returns this single-node rose tree, whose type is Rose Result.

That said, calling unGen on each element gives a tree of Gen Prop. The type of tree will be Rose (Gen Prop). QuickCheck transforms this into Gen (Rose Prop). The transformation is simple because generators are constants.

All that the library needs to do is to create a rose tree with the single-nodes containing the Prop values, then to encapsulates it inside a generator whose unGen always returns this same tree. This, too, is a null generator.

And same, we call unProp on each Prop element inside the tree Rose Prop and get a tree of Rose Result. The type of this tree is Rose (Rose Result). This is a tree where each element is a single-node tree that contains the result of applying the property to the shunk elements.

Rose Result

Rose is defined as Rose = MkRose a [Rose a]. The tree Rose (Rose Result) we get is a flat structure. It’s an array built following a depth-first traversal of the tree.

QuickCheck uses a function joinRose to transform a rose tree Rose (Rose Result) into a Rose Result value. That is:

joinRose (MkRose (MkRose x ts) tts) =  MkRose x (map joinRose tts ++ ts)

We get a structure that looks like this:

our_result =
  MkRose (MkResult{ ok = Just False }) [
    MkRose (MkResult{ ok = Just False, P.reason = "whatever..." }) [
      MkRose (MkResult{ ok = Just True }) []
    MkRose (MkResult{ ok = Just True }) [],

From this, the result of the iteration will be:

MkResult{ ok = Just False, P.reason = "whatever..." }

It’s the job of shrinking function we introduced above to get this. shrinking returns a Property whose Gen Prop is a constant. Calling unGen on it returns a Prop, which also is a constant. Calling unProp on it returns a Rose Result, which is a single-value tree that contains the result. With this returned result, the engine decides whether to start a new iteration or end the testing.

shrinking iterates over the children and tests them to find the simplest value that fails the property. In each level, if the property succeeds, it checks the adjacent nodes/elements. If it fails, it goes on checking the children nodes/elements. It stops when a threshold of attempts is reached or after testing all the results available.

Putting it all together

If we take the expression from the fourth section above and try to understand it now:

(unProp (unGen (unProperty our_property) rnd1 size))

our_property is the Property created by shrinking. unProperty our_property is the property generator created by shrinking.

By calling unGen (unProperty our_property) rnd1 size:

  • a tree is built, transformed, simplified, and reduced to one node
  • a null generator that always returns a Prop that encapsulates this tree is created and returned.

As a null generator is returned, calling this unGen expression returns the result of unGen on the null generator. This is how monads work.

By calling unProp, we get Rose Result. We deconstruct it and get the final Result.

Do we really create a tree?

Tree creation is a good example of lazy evaluation in Haskell. QuickCheck does not build a whole tree, neither a tree of Testable elements, neither one of Gen Prop elements, and nor one of Rose Result elements.

It pretends to do se. Only when we want to see what’s inside a node that Haskell builds it. It creates a Testable instance, a Gen Prop instance, and a Rose Result instance when we access a node/element. It does not create its children. It does so when we try to read them.

If we have to do a maximum of 100 shrinks, Haskell builds 100 nodes, even when the code says it’s building a tree with thousands of elements.


PropEr is the common Erlang property-based testing library.

prop_enc_dec() ->
    union([binary(), lists:seq(1, 255)]),
    base64_decode(base64_encode(Msg)) =:= Msg

quickcheck(prop_enc_dec(), [{numtests,10000}])

In this example, we’re creating a property prop_enc_dec using FORALL macro. The property checks whether a given Msg stays the same after encoding and decoding it in base 64.

union([binary(), lists:seq(1, 255)]) is the input type. PropEr uses this definition to generate instances and pass them to the function in the third argument. The input can be:

  • either a binary value, a list of randomly generated bytes (values between 0 and 255)
  • an array that contains the sequence of numbers from 1 to 255. Erlang transforms this into a binary value by mapping each element into a byte.

What’s a property

Erlang has a good meta-programming system. The library uses macros heavily.

A property is a structure, a tuple in Erlang terms. FORALL macro above translates into this structure:

  union([binary(), lists:seq(1, 255)]),
  fun(Msg) -> base64_decode(base64_encode(Msg)) =:= Msg end

The second element of the property structure/tuple is the input type. In our example, we’re creating a type by joining a type, binary(), with a value, the sequence. The concept of a type in PropEr is not usual. A type in PropEr is a structure that contains generators, constraints, shrinkers, and other attributes that guide testing.

The last element in the property tuple is the checking function. The check takes a generated input and returns a boolean value or a result value.

The first element is an atom that guides the testing. An atom in Erlang is some kind of a “symbol” in Javascript. It’s like a global value but it evaluates to itself. It’s its own value. Other atoms that describe a property are exists, conjunction, timeout, or trapexit.

When it’s forall, the library generates many instances and tests them. They should all pass.

When it’s exists, PropEr follows a targeted search strategy. I’ll introduce it in the next post.

When it’s conjunction, PropEr tests a generated instance on multiple properties. The property is successful when all the tests are successful. Such property is in the form {conjunction, SubProperties} where Subproperties is a list of properties.

When it’s timeout, it spawns a worker to execute the property and expects the result before a given timeout. That is, the worker spawned to run the check should send a message with a successful result before the time is out.

Here’s how a simplified version of its implementation:

Child = spawn_link_migrate(undefined, fun() -> child(self(), Prop, Ctx, Opts) end),
  {result, RecvResult} -> RecvResult
    after Limit ->
        exit(Child, kill),
        create_fail_result(Ctx, time_out)

spawn_link_migrate starts a worker to execute child(self(), Prop, Ctx, Opts).

child(...) runs the property check and sends the result back to the father process:

child(Father, Prop, Ctx, Opts) ->
  Result = force(Prop, Ctx, Opts),
  Father ! {result,Result},

force runs the test.

receive waits for the spawned worker message. RecvResult is the received message. create_fail_result creates a failure result after a timeout. Limit is the timeout value.

When the first element of the tuple is trapexit, ProEr expects the property to throw uncaught exceptions or to emit an exit signal. In both cases, Erlang worker terminates and sends an EXIT signal to its spawner.

The library first configures the system to transform such a signal into an EXIT message. It spawns a worker to execute the check and send the result back. And, it waits for this result.

Such a property can be:

?FORALL(X, pos_integer(), ?TRAPEXIT(creator(X) =:= ok))

?TRAPEXIT creates a tuple that starts with trapexit.

If we evaluates the macros, we get this structure:

  fun(X) -> {trapexit, fun() -> creator(X) =:= ok end} end

creator should emit an EXIT signal. We can define it as:

creator(X) ->
  spawn_link(fun() -> exit(this_is_the_end) end),
    _ -> ok

As in the property here, the checking function can return another property, a structure like {trapexit, ...} in this example. This allows us to create rich properties. When a test structure is returned, a new testing sub-iteration starts. This last may generate a new value depending on the initial instance. It may use the initial instance. Or, it may ignore the original generation and generates its own instance.

For example:

{forall, integer(), (N) -> {forall, integer(), (M) -> N + diff(N, M) =:= M } }

Sequential tests execution

quickcheck takes a list of options and a property. PropEr sets default values for the options we don’t specify explicitly.

In the example above, we pass one option {numtests,10000}. It describes the number of inputs ProEr generates.

Another option is numworkers. It

-- Specifies the number of workers to spawn when performing the tests (defaults to 0).
-- Each worker gets their own share of the total number of tests to perform.

A worker in Elang is a construct quite similar to a green thread. It’s created to perform concurrent tasks in parallel. Erlang core philosophy lies in the implementation of these workers. They have a well-defined interface, they communicate through messages, and they’re managed by the OTP.

This virtual machine stops crashes from propagating through the system. It restarts crashed workers and resends missed messages. It transforms unhandled exceptions into messages to parent processes.

When the number of workers is 0, the execution of tests is sequential.

One worker handles the work. The logic is defined inside a function named perform. This function calls itself recursively until it reaches the threshold of numtests, or until a generated instance fails the property.

Each iteration generates an instance and tests it. If the testing succeeds, a #pass structure is created, #pass{}. If the input fails to pass the property, a #fail structure is created:

#fail{reason = Reason, bound = lists:reverse(Bound)}

Reason is false_prop for simple properties.

Bound is the list of instances that failed the property. It contains one element when the checking function returns a boolean value. It contains an instance for each sub-property that failed when the checking function recursively returns properties.


The second element of the property tuple is the type.

It’s defined by the type:

-opaque type() :: {'$type', [type_prop()]}.

Each type_prop in the second element list is a two-element tuple: an atom defines the name of the attribute and the value of the attribute.

Here’s part of the definition of type_prop:

-type type_prop() ::
      {'kind', type_kind()}
    | {'generator', proper_gen:generator()}
    | {'reverse_gen', proper_gen:reverse_gen()}
    | {'shrinkers', [proper_shrink:shrinker()]}
    | {'noshrink', boolean()}
    | {'combine', proper_gen:combine_fun()}
    | {'constraints', [{constraint_fun(), boolean()}]}
    | ...

The common attributes are the generator, the list of shrinkers, and the list of constraints: generators, shrinkers, and constraints.

PropEr puts generation logic inside a module named proper_gen.

Inside perform, PropEr runs:

case proper_gen:safe_generate(RawType) of
  {ok, ImmInstance} ->
    Instance = proper_gen:clean_instance(ImmInstance),
  {error, Resaon} ->

ImmInstance is a generated value. Instance is the value that the library passes to the checking function. We call clean_instance because the generated value wraps the instance in a context.

Usually, Instance is the same as ImmInstance. But if the value is constructed, ImmInstance will be a tuple containing the generated parts as well as the final value.

The type structure contains an attribute named kind, whose value can be:

-type type_kind() :: 'basic' | 'wrapper' | 'constructed' | 'container' | atom().

It guides the generation. A constructed type, one whose kind is constructed, should define parts_type and combine attributes. To generate an instance of such type, the generated calls generate with the type of the parts and get a list of instances back. It calls clean_instance to remove their contexts. Then, it calls the value of combine attribute to combine them into one value. It returns this combined value and a context that contains the generated parts.

proper_gen:safe_generate calls proper_gen:generate. safe_generate returns an error tuple instead of throwing an exception when the generation fails.

Generation fails if all the attempts to generate a value do not adhere to the input type constraints. constraints attribute for a greater-than-20 integer generator can be:

{constraints, [{fun(X) -> X > 20 end, true}]}

A constraint is defined by a two-element tuple:: a predicate and a boolean that specifies whether the constraint is strict. The generation fails if the constraint is strict and is violated.

Generation is a loop. The generator has a maximum number of tries. The number of tries is a globally defined value, named constraint_tries. It’s initialized to 50, but we can change it through the options we pass to the test.

Here’s how generation starts inside safe_generate:

Instance = generate(Type, get('$constraint_tries'), none)

generate calls itself recursively. Each time, it generates an instance and checks whether it satisfies the type constraint. If it does, it returns it. If not, it decreases the number of tries left and starts a new iteration.

If no valid instance is generated, generation fails with cant_generate error. It returns {error, {cant_generate, MFAs}}. error and cant_generate are atoms. MFAs are the list of constraints and the boolean results of their checking

The function that generates an instance is defined in the type list as well. In the example at the beginning, the type union([binary(), lists:seq(1, 255)]) is a union of two types. Here’s a simplified inlined version of its generator:

union_gen(Type) ->
  Choices = get_prop(env,Type),
  Pos = rand_int(1, length(Choices)),
  Type = lists:nth(Pos, Choices),
  {typed, Gen} = proper_types:get_prop(generator, Type),
  Gen(Type, proper:get_size(Type)).

get_prop(env,Type) reads the value of a tuple named env from the type list. Choices contains the list [binary(), lists:seq(1, 255)]. Pos is the index of one of the elements, it should be 1 or 2. Indexes start from 1 in Erlang. If it’s 1, then Type is binary.

binary is also a type, which means it’s a list of attributes. Gen is the value of the key generator in binary type.

The generator attribute of a type contains a function that creates a randomly generated value. For example, an integer generator can be defined as:

integer_gen(Type, Size) ->
  {Low, High} = get_prop(env, Type),
  pproper_arith:smart_rand_int(Size, Low, High).

We can define custom generators by creating a new type and setting our custom generator function inside its defining list.

We can also create a complicated generator by returning a type instead of a value from this function. If for example, instead of returning a number here, we return a type such as:

integer_gen(Type, Size) ->
  {Low, High} = get_prop(env, Type),
  N = pproper_arith:smart_rand_int(Size, Low, High),
  [{generator, {typed, fun integer_gen/2}}, {constraints, [{fun(M) -> M + N > 20 end, true}]}].

The generator will generate an instance of the returned type and return it instead.


When the generation loop stops because a generated instance fails the test, shrinking starts as shrink is called. PropEr tries to generate smaller values from the failed instance.

Among the attributes inside the type list is is shrinkers. Its value is a list of shrinking functions.

Here’s a simplified logic for how union (the function used to create the type in the first example) creates a type structure.

union(RawChoices) ->
  Choices = [cook_outer(C) || C <- RawChoices],
    {env, Choices},
    {generator, {typed, fun union_gen/1}},
    {is_instance, {typed, fun union_is_instance/2}},
    {shrinkers, [fun union_shrinker_1/3, fun union_shrinker_2/3]}

It defines two shrinkers: union_shrinker_1 and union_shrinker_2.

Same as with generators, we can define custom shrinkers by creating a type structure and defining custom shrinking functions.

proper_shrink:shrink fetches the shrinkers of the given type, either from the predefined ones if the type is standard, or from the value of shrinker inside the type list.

Here’s a simplified code of how standard shrinkers are fetched depending on the kind:

Kind = proper_types:get_prop(kind, Type),
StandardShrinkers =
  case Kind of
    basic -> [];
    wrapper -> [fun alternate_shrinker/3, fun unwrap_shrinker/3];
    constructed ->
      case proper_types:get_prop(shrink_to_parts, Type) of
        true -> [fun to_part_shrinker/3, fun parts_shrinker/3, fun in_shrinker/3];
        false -> [fun parts_shrinker/3, fun in_shrinker/3]
    container -> [fun split_shrinker/3, fun remove_shrinker/3, fun elements_shrinker/3];
    _Other -> []

The main logic of shrink function is:

{Shrinks,MinImmTestCase} = fix_shrink(ImmTestCase, StrTest, Reason, 0, MaxShrinks, Opts)
rerun(Test, true, MinImmTestCase)

fix_shrink calculates a list MinImmTestCase that contains simplified values. It returns a tuple containing the number of effectuated shrinks and the list of shrunk values. shrink extracts this list and reruns the testing on these instances in order to create a result and return it.

fix_shrink starts a shrinking loop. It calls itself recursively, each time with a smaller ShrinksLeft value. Initially, this value is set to MaxShrinks. The loop ends when it reaches 0.

Inside an iteration of this loop, the library pics an element that failed to pass the property and calculates a list of its shrunk values.

If all these shrunk values pass the property check, the element cannot be shrunk further. PropEr puts it in the list of minimally-shrunk values, named Shrinked, and moves on to the next value that fails the property.

If one shrunk value fails the property for the same reason as the original value, the library puts it on the list of candidates for shrinking in place of the original value and reruns the iteration. The next iteration will take this shrunk value and tries to shrink it further.

PropEr compares the failure reason for the shrunk value with the failure reason for the original value using pattern matching:

same_fail_reason(SameReason, SameReason) ->
same_fail_reason(_, _) ->

If both reasons are equal, it returns true. If not, it returns false.

The library might reach the maximum number of shrinkings by shrinking a value over and over using only the first shrinker in the list. It might also use all the shrinkers and fail to shrink the original value.

PropEr uses proper_shrink:shrink to create a list of simplified values that potentially fail the property from an instance that fails the property.

proper_shrink:shrink is defined as:

-spec shrink(proper_gen:imm_instance(), proper_types:type(), state()) -> {[proper_gen:imm_instance()],state()}.

It takes a generated instance, its type, and a state. PropEr uses the type to filter out shrinking results that do not satisfy the type constraints:

SatisfiesAll =
  fun(Instance) ->
    case find_prop(constraints, Type) of
      {ok, Constraints} -> satisfies_all_1(Constraints, Instance);
      error -> true
{NewImmInstances,NewLookup} = proper_arith:filter(SatisfiesAll, DirtyImmInstances),

DirtyImmInstances is the list returned by the shrinker. SatisfiesAll returns true when a value satisfies the type constraints.

Depending on how you see it, passing both the type and the value can be either a dirty hack or a source of flexibility. We can see it as an idea that does not fit the Erlang way of doing things.

Maybe we think in an idiomatic OOP way. Knowledge of the type is intrinsic to objects. We cannot ask an object. We should send it a message.

We can also put on the hat of an idealist programmer and say that function arguments should all be at the same level of abstraction. Having a state and a type, or a state and a value, means the design needs improvements.

Putting a hacker hat on, we can say that having a structure to specify the type allows us to have specific constraints. Think of a type of all integers other than 5, 9, 8. Such a type is not easy to define. But, with a structure, we can add a function that directs shrinking and generation to ignore these numbers and to generate another value when one of them appears.

After all, an abstraction level is subjective. For someone somewhere, the value, the type, and the state belong to the same level.

Me, I will put on the pragmatic hat. It works, it’s easy to understand and test, and, well, it’s encapsulated enough to make future changes easy.

proper_shrink:shrink returns a list of instances and a state. This state is used to track shrinking progress between iterations (remember, shrinking is a loop).

It’s init when we start shrinking a new original value. This makes the shrinking function pick the first shrinker and start shrinking.

It’s done when a shrinker cannot shrink a value further. This makes the shrinking function tries the next shrinker or moves to the next original value that fails the property.

It’s a structure that includes the context of the shrunk value when the shrinking is in progress. If the value is constructed, and the shrinker chooses the first part as a shrunk value, the context will contain the other parts.

When the property is a conjunction of sub-properties. PropEr uses shrink_all instead of shrink. This function executes shrink for each property instance. Then, it returns a list of shrunk values. If a property of these sub-properties succeeds for the given input, only the failed properties are passed to the shrinks functions.

Similarly to proper_shrink:shrink, a shrinker is a function defined as:

-spec shrinker(imm_instance(), type(), state()) ->  {[imm_instance()],state()}.

It also takes an instance, its type, and a state. It returns a list of shrunk values and a state. That way, it integrates into the shrinking loop. The state returned by the shrinker is the state returned by the iteration, which is also the state that orients the library on what to do next (either starting a new iteration with the same/new shrinker or finishing shrinking and moving to the next value).

Multi-workers execution

When the number of workers is not 0, each worker gets a number of checks to perform sequentially. After finishing, it sends the result as a message to the main worker.

Workers in Erlang communicate through messages. The function that starts testing keeps listening for the messages of spawned workers. With each message, it merges the result with the existing result.

The result is initialized to:

InitialResult = #pass{samples = [], printers = [], actions = []},

Samples are added when the main worker receives a successful result from a testing worker. If the worker sends a failure result instead (if an instance generated by that worker fails the property), the main worker:

  • Sends a message (a tuple whose head is the atom failed_test) to other workers communicating a failure
  • Other workers stop testing and send back their generated values
  • Returns #fail result

The messages between the main worker and the workers that run the tests are tuples. The first element in each tuple is an atom that describes the type of the message. It’s worker_msg if the message is sent from a testing worker to the main worker. When the message is from a main worker to a testing worker, it’s failed_test.

Here is how the main worker waits for the testing workers’ messages:

  {worker_msg, #pass{performed = PassedRcvd, samples = SamplesRcvd}, From, Id} ->
    -- ...

  {worker_msg, #fail{performed = FailedOn} = Received, From, Id} ->
    -- ...

receive starts listening. The first handler handles messages from workers that finish their tests successfully. The second handles messages from workers that failed.

We define a value for the attribute named strategy_fun inside the options to split the load of tests. The value of this attribute is:

%% A function that given a number of tests and a number of workers, splits
%% the load in the form of a list of tuples with the first element as the
%% starting test and the second element as the number of tests to do from there on.

PropEr provides a default function that splits the test equally between the workers. Given NumTests = 150 and NumWorkers = 2, it returns:

[{1, 74}, {75, 149}]

Each tuple in the result describes a range of tests to be handled by a worker.

PropEr handles pure and impure properties differently. Inside the options structure, we can define an attribute property_type, which can be either pure or impure. Both here are atoms. In Erlang we use atoms to model sum types. The benefit/drawback, depending on how you want to see it, is that all atoms are of one type, as are all other values.

property_type type definition is:

-type purity() :: 'pure' | 'impure'.

The documentation of parallel_perfom says:

%% When testing impure properties, PropEr will start a node for every worker that will be
%% spawned in order to avoid test collisions between them.

When the property is pure, PropEr starts a worker that runs the function that performs the tests. That is, it executes spawn_link(Fun). spawn_link creates a new process that is linked to the current process.

Returns the process identifier of a new process started by the application of Fun to the empty list []. A link is created between the calling process and the new process, atomically. Otherwise works like spawn/3.

If it’s impure, PropEr starts a node for each worker before testing. Then, it executes and attaches each worker to a node to start testing.

PropEr starts “remote nodes to ensure testing will not crash the BEAM”. A node here, as opposed to a worker for pure properties, creates a new runtime environment that’s separated from the one directing the testing. PropEr uses peer:start_link for this.

Such concept of spawning a new runtime environment that acts like a worker in the current environment is made to distribute the execution among many machines, all while writing code as if it’ll run on a single BEAM instance.

Here, it executes another variant of spawn_link, one that takes the node as well as the function that perform the tests spawn_link(Node, Fun)

Returns the process identifier (pid) of a new process started by the application of Fun to the empty list [] on Node. A link is created between the calling process and the new process, atomically. If Node does not exist, a useless pid is returned and an exit signal with reason noconnection is sent to the calling process. Otherwise works like spawn/3.

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